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what we do
Our vision is to create and deliver the branded customer experience for you, to ensure that your customers remain loyal. Our mission is the key to achieving this. We will assist you in maximizing your customer experience by ensuring that your people, processes and operations consistently maintain a sharp focus on service, quality and business performance.

Brandt Business Services is one of the Top BPO Companies globally on DesignRush. 


We are an award winning Malaysian company in the areas of Customer Experience, Learning & Training, Human Resource Outsourcing ,Talent Management and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Providing cost effective contact centers, Business Process, IT and Managed services from Malaysia. Our on-shore and off-shore delivery capability span the region; we are able to craft end-to-end solutions for customer support, sales, telemarketing, collections, customer service as well as internal IT and Business services.|

HR Solutions

HR & Talent Solutions - from payroll, to recruitment and placement to total Outsourced HR Solutions & Services
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CX Solutions

Customer Experience by Design. Our consulting, transformation and total lifecycle outsourced customer solutions
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Learning & Development

Comprehensive People Development programs, from junior employees to senior leadership.
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At Brandt, our corporate philosophy behind the way we work is what sets us apart from the rest of the crowd:
In all our work, we adhere to a high professional standard that clients can expect from a trusted consultant. By imposing these high standards of integrity, confidentiality, quality, professionalism, and independence on ourselves, we have earned trust and confidence from our clients.
We aim to help the executives of organizations make significant and radical improvements to their overall performance by tackling their most challenging issues. We use a collaborative approach by taking a top management perspective to provide innovative management practices that build our clients’ capabilities.
Our approach is to focus on driving people, processes, and operations. This will help our clients to achieve high-quality standards, deliver the branded customer experience and realize outstanding business performance.
We seek to attract talented people by providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our aspiration is an inclusive, supportive environment that balances individual opportunity with care and respect for all colleagues. This is not a firm of leaders and followers; it is a firm of leaders with integrity that does what is right.

Our Core Values – IDEA

Brandt International is more than a company. It’s made up of each and every one of you together, we achieve more.


All our actions and decisions are guided by honesty, fairness and transparency.

Maintain high ethical standards.
Treat others in a fair, transparent, respectful and objective manner; do not abuse power or authority.
Do not allow personal social/economic/political views or inappropriate pressures to influence decision-making.
Take prompt and effective action to deal with unprofessional or unethical behavior.
Act within and with respect for BRANDT rules and regulations.
Takes responsibility for own work, including problems and issues
Identifies ethical dilemmas and conflict of interest situations and takes action to avoid and prevent them
Anticipate and prevent breaches in confidentiality and/or security.

Diversity – Respect for Diversity

We treat all individuals with respect and dignity regardless of their differences, embrace and build upon the unique richness presented by the diversity that characterizes the Organization and its staff, and promote gender equality.

Respect and work effectively with people of all backgrounds.
Are open-minded and seek to understand and empathize with those different to ourselves.
Examine own biases and behaviors to avoid stereotyping.
Challenge prejudice and intolerance in the workplace.
Promote diversity to strengthen own/team work and achieve results.

Excellence – Strive for Excellence

We will strive for continuous improvement. We will produce the best products and deliver the best services as we are capable of providing.

We will challenge the process, the product, and our opinions. We will foster a team spirit, never challenging the person, but challenging the problem or opportunity.
We will look for new opportunities to learn and grow. We will speak up when we do not understand or do not agree with others.
We strive to be known as thought leaders and innovators in customer lifecycle marketing.

Adventure – Spirit of Adventure

To be always curious, flexible and persistent in paving new possibilities. We adopt a culture and mindset of continuous curiosity. We persistently try new possibilities and experiment even though mistakes may be made along the journey. We stay agile, flexible and innovative on this journey to success.

Our Service Offerings

Explore how we can provide your organization an unfair advantage to thrive in adversity.

Using leading edge blockchain technology to provide seamless and safe ride hailing services. this organization chose Brandt to provide KYC and driver verification services. Our high standards and quality methodologies ensure the high standards of accuracy and compliance are met consistently.
In addition, Brandt provides email support to their drivers and passengers. As a testament to our service quality, we have expanded our services and into new countries.

Ride Hailing Provider

Operations Manager
A testament to our internal governance, compliance and HR processes, Brandt was able to meet all of the compliance requirements by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in terms of IT and operational security, HR, People and BCP processes.
Brandt currently delivers their customer support services from a secured delivery site and will be ramping up a second delivery site that will function as a active-active delivery site setup with full security compliance and monitoring for maximum uptime.

Singapore Digital Bank

Operations Manager

As a Job portal launching a new business segment and growing it can be a challenge.

Brandt supported this client by first trialing a Proof-of-concept operational model, refining the processes during the trial stage.

The result is that the team continue to meet targets, achieve success and resulted in the client growing the team and now looking to further expand for the long-term.

This success also has embolden our client to begin to look at additional regional markets to target.


#1 ASEAN Job Portal

Brandt lnternational’s innovative business process consulting and people management solutions are empowering organizations and people to achieve their goals. The company’s elite list of clientele testifies to its customer experience capabilities. Going forward Brandt International intends to incorporate new technologies into its core services to cultivate strong customer experience and create more value for clients in globally competitive sectors.”

Frost & Sullivan

When Brandt took over our operations, we saw a minimum of 50% improvements in our case resolutions, agents’ performance and quality of our calls and emails. The team in Brandt has vast experience in various fields that allows us to work very closely with great flexibility that caters to our needs and our expectations.

Customer Experience Head

Mesralink Customer Engagement Manager

Some of our clients