Do you run an organization or work for an organization as you are reading this?
Is training part of your performance measures for the year? It is the third quarter of 2019 already. How many of you have had training? Training isn’t just important to any company, it is vital.
Generally, most organizations deliver training only during the three common areas or categories below:
- On-boarding new hires or employees
- System changes or needs
- Regulatory or legal requirements
All other training needs seem to have been set aside for when there is time and/or budget. If you have been in the industry or organization over 10 years, ask yourself how many things have changed – internally or externally.
Ten years ago, in 2009, Lehman Brothers was facing the crisis of the new century. The subprime lending crisis reached a new high. Apple just launches their 3G iphone and the iPad was still nowhere to be found. Obama was in his second year of being President of the United States. The Beijing Olympics was the year before. Self-driving cars, AI, home automation like Amazon’s Alexa didn’t yet exist. Where was your organization in 2009?
How ready were you for those times? What about now? Times and things change. Needs change. Governments change. Consumers change. Are we then ensuring ourselves and our employees are ready and able to succeed in the ever changing world? That is why, it is critical in any organization to foster an organizational learning culture.
It is important to foster a learning culture at your organization, one where expectations are clearly set from the outset, and where the benefits for the employee and for the organization are shared. It is also important to be able to point to success stories within the organization, and to always walk the talk.

The Celemi series of training are inherently suitable for training today’s generation of workers and employees. They are hands-on, interactive and dynamic – allowing participants to make decisions safely within the confines of the training environment to learn and grow. Celemi Enterprise is especially relevant in today’s organization where speed is important, decision-making and strategy are critical and the ability to navigate changing and unexpected business environments indispensable.
Contact us today to find out how we can make Celemi Enterprise™ empower your people and organization today!
More information on Celemi Business Simulations can be found here.